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List of All Managed Google Cloud Platform(GCP) Services

Christopher GodwinGoogle CloudTechnologystudy guideGoogle cloudgcpGCCPCAAbout 2 min

List of All Managed Google Cloud Platform(GCP) Services

AutoML TablesAI and Machine LearningMachine learning models for structured data
Recommendations AIAI and Machine LearningPersonalized recommendations
Natural Language AIAI and Machine LearningEntity recognition, sentiment analysis, language identification
Cloud TranslationAI and Machine LearningTranslate between two languages
Cloud VisionAI and Machine LearningUnderstand contents of images
Dialogflow EssentialsAI and Machine LearningDevelopment suite for voice to text
BigQueryAnalyticsData warehousing and analytics
BatchComputefully managed batch jobs at scale
VMware Engine(GCVE)Computerunning VMware workloads on GCP
Cloud DatalabAnalyticsInteractive data analysis tool based on Jupyter Notebooks
Data CatalogAnalyticsManaged and scalable metadata management service
DataprocAnalyticsManaged hadoop and Spark service
Dataproc MetastoreAnalyticsManaged Apache Hive
Cloud ComposerAnalyticsData workflow orchestration service
Cloud Data FusionAnalyticsData integration and ETL tool
Data CatalogAnalyticsMetadata management service
DataflowAnalyticsSteam and Batch processing
Cloud SpannerDatabaseGlobal relational database
Cloud SQlDatabaseRegional relational database
Cloud Deployment ManagerDevelopmentInfrastructure-as-code service
Cloud Pub/SubMessagingMessaging service
BigtableStorageWide column, NoSQL databases
Cloud Data TransferStorageBulk data transfer service
Cloud MemorystoreStorageManaged chage service using Redis or memcached
Cloud StorageStorageManaged object storage
Cloud FilestoreStorageManaged shared files via NFS or mount
Cloud DNSNetworkingManaged DNS with API for publishing changes
Cloud IDSNetworkingIntrusion Detection Systems
Cloud Armor Managed Protection PlusNetworkingDDos Protection with Cloud Armor's AI adaptive protection
Service DirectoryNetworkingManaged Service registry
Cloud LoggingOperationsFully managed log aggregator
AI Platform Neural Architecture Search (NAS)AI PlatformAI Search
AI Platform Training and PredictionAI PlatformNAS training
NotebooksAI PlatformJupyterLab environment
ApigeeAPI ManagementAPI Gateway security and analysis
API GatewayAPI ManagementAPI Gateways
Payment GatewayAPI Managementintegration with real-time payment systems like UPI
Issuer SwitchAPI Managementuser transactor deployment
Anthos Service MeshHybrid/Multi-Clouddevide up gke traffic into workloads and secure them with istio
BigQuery OmniAnalysisUse BigQuery to query other clouds
BigQuery Data Transfer ServiceAnalysisMigrate data to BigQuery
Database Migration ServiceStoragefully-managed migration service
Migrate to Virtual MachManaged Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD) inesMigrationmigrate workloads at scale into Google Cloud Compute Engine
Cloud Data Loss PreventionSecurity and Identitydiscover, classify, and protect your most sensitive data
Cloud HSMSecurity and IdentityFully managed hardware security module
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory (AD)Identity & AccessManaged Service for Microsoft Active Directory
Cloud RunServerless ComputingRun serverless containers
Cloud SchedulerServerless Computingcron job scheduler
Cloud TasksServerless Computingdistributed task orchestration
EventarcServerless ComputingEvent rules between gcp services
WorkflowsServerless Computingreliably execute sequences of operations across APIs or services
IoT CoreInternet of ThingsCollect, process, analyze and visualize data from Iot devices in real time
Cloud HealthcareHealthcare and Life Sciencessend, receive, store, query, transform, and analyze healthcare and life sciences data
Game ServersMedia and Gamingdeploy and manage dedicated game servers across multiple Agones clusters

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